2025 Sports Calender

At the heart of KAOC (Kerala Association of Colorado) lies a commitment not only to preserve our rich cultural heritage and promote artistic talents but also to actively support and engage in sports activities. Embracing a holistic approach to community involvement, we are excited to present our upcoming lineup of sports events for the year. Join us in fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition within our community, as we embark on a journey that celebrates both cultural vibrancy and athletic spirit.

KAOC Member Non Member
Sports Events Event Leads Schedule Rules Waiver Registration
Carroms Azad & Joshy March 1 Rules Waiver Closed
Badminton Azad & Joshy April Rules Waiver TBD
Pickle Ball Azad & Joshy May TBD TBD TBD
Table Tennis Azad & Joshy July – August Rules Waiver TBD
6’s Cricket Azad & Joshy August Rules Waiver TBD
Kids Sports Day Azad & Joshy September TBD TBD TBD
Chess Azad & Joshy October Rules Waiver TBD
Volleyball & Throwball Azad & Joshy November Volleyball Rules Throwball Rules Waiver TBD
Stay tuned for the latest information.

Schedule Last Updated On: 18 February 2025

*KAOC reserves the right to cancel/reschedule the Event for any reason (including, not limited to – number of participants, availability of court/playground, availability of resources). The Organizer shall notify participants/Sponsors of the cancellation once schedule is finalized.